Park City Winter Skincare Tips

Winter in Park City is right around the corner and that means that your skin will need extra protection from the harsh conditions of high altitude living. The sun can be more problematic in the Winter months because of the intense reflection that is created off snow at this crazy altitude. The freezing cold weather is especially hard on lips, hands and feet, leaving them cracked, dry and painful. Here are my top 10 tips to help your skin stay healthy, youthful and hydrated during the Winer months.

  • Use a gentle cleanser on face and body and never rinse with hot water, only lukewarm. Apply moisturizer generously on face and body immediately after showering.

  • SPF 30 or higher generously applied to all exposed areas every 2-3 hours when doing activities outdoors. Use Zinc Oxide on your nose even if it looks goofy.

  • Purchase a humidifier and use it in your bedroom every night. Keep it clean and the water fresh to avoid unhealthy bacteria.

  • Add more good fat to your diet. Fish oil, avocados and avocado oil, coconut oil, nuts.

  • Wash your hair less in the Winter. Go 4-5 days and apply a hair mask at every washing to add more luster and hydration to hair.

  • Use shea butter or something comparable on feet every night and wear socks to bed, at least for a few hours. Consider having a “Foot Fetish Treatment” at KMSKIN if your feet need extra attention

  • Hands always take a beating. Consider the “No Grandma Hands” treatment at KMSKIN at least a few times in Winter. At home wear gloves for cleaning and washing dishes. Have a rich and hydrating hand cream by your sinks and nightstand, use frequently. Always wear gloves when doing anything outside. Carry an SPF lotion in your car and use it every time you drive.

  • Use a gentle sugar scrub on your lips a few times a week followed by a hydrating mask for when you’re sleeping. During the day apply a super hydrating lip balm with SPF every few hours.

  • Limit your hours of exposure to the sun, especially from noon to 2pm when the sun is the strongest. Did I already mention sunblock? I can’t stress it enough.

  • Treat yourself to monthly facials at KMSKIN to keep your face in check. A professional exfoliation is key to keeping your skin healthy and youthful.


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